The Woohoo Co. Services

We’re different.

We help businesses to understand people, and support people to understand themselves. Everyone’s needs are different. The Woohoo Co. can help you to achieve success, whether you lead people in business or need assistance with your own career.

For individuals

We help people understand themselves.​
What does success look like to you?

The Woohoo Co. helps individuals flourish and bring their best selves to work. We have guided clients in different levels of organisations to be better communicators, build confidence, and lead with empathy and maturity.

The individual coaching sessions and facilitated group workshops I have done with Sue and her team over the last three years have enabled me to grow as a leader and develop skills I never thought were possible.

– Bradley Slape - Surveyor-General of South Australia - Department of Trade and Investment

For businesses

We help businesses understand their people.​ What lasting business outcomes do you want to achieve?

The people and the culture of your organisation matter. We believe in helping an organisation’s team succeed by identifying opportunities to flourish at work and in turn contribute towards and organisations success.

The team worked through the process with us very carefully and thoroughly, gave us confidence in the process and were a pleasure to work with.

– Kate Strohm - Founder - Siblings Australia


Case Study

Cultural Transformation

The team at ODASA was experiencing disruptive behaviours and inconsistencies in deliverables following a merging of two previously unrelated areas of the business. Individual teams were siloed in their work, stuck in poor communication practices and relationships were suffering from a stifling lack of confidence.

The Woohoo Co.was engaged to help our client to navigate their way through these challenges and empower their teams and leadership to embrace the opportunities that come with change.

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